As a little girl, I don't remember thinking very much about hot dogs, or even eating them for that matter. As an adult, I don't remember thinking about them at all until this summer. Well, yes, I take that back. They are iconic and perfect at the ballpark. Drowning out thoughts of "what's in these things?" with mustard and beer, fireworks and a good game works. But neither the thought or taste would linger.
Now, it seems that hot dogs and granola (more on that later) are all I think about. I am totally enamoured with hot dogs. But, here's the catch. Like Popeye would say, "I am what I am" and so, of course, I am trying to rescue the hot dog from its current hazardous waste condition and junk food demise. By George, I think I have done it.
After devoting nearly a week to eating nothing but hot dogs (seriously!), my family taste testers and I have come up with something fun: three really Great Dogs. Well, we already have three really great "real" dogs that I have written lots about before: Stuart, Lillie and Annie. And so, using their three sparkling personalities as a template, my sous chef Stuart and I spent four hours in the kitchen one afternoon making their signature "dogs" and they were a hit with the peanut gallery. There weren't even any leftovers for breakfast.
And so, my mission continues and is taking me on a rather curious but tasty course and honestly, I am a little bemused. First the granola and now the hot dog. Who knew? I am going to share my discoveries on Thursday with my First Thursday in Hillcrest pals.
For those who are looking for the recipe that goes with this week's New Clean Plate Club...it's in the next post.
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