Glowing, radiant health is the new black. Our Green Table is serving it up, for the whole body! Healthy recipes and tips, the latest on eco-friendly food and "skin food"products and a head's up on ingredient safety are all woven into family-centered stories and discoveries. Bring informed, aware and empowered looks good on everyone!

Abrazos! xox Penny

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Honoring Campbells...No, not the soup!

Today was a toss up...there are so many people doing great things with food that it was hard to pick just one for the Red White and Food post. And so, I picked two! I saw this interview in the New York Times and thought you would enjoy it.

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and his son, Thomas Campbell is a book I have on hand here at home, have listed as a resource on this blog and have spoken about many times. Powerful, compelling information, quietly and factually presented. No hype...just decades of scientific research. For those of you mulling over a more plant-based diet, combining my comments yesterday and this piece may help you decide. I can help you get going, too! Some of you may remember what  I discovered my food addiction was...seems I am not alone. Here is the article. Have a great day!!

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