Glowing, radiant health is the new black. Our Green Table is serving it up, for the whole body! Healthy recipes and tips, the latest on eco-friendly food and "skin food"products and a head's up on ingredient safety are all woven into family-centered stories and discoveries. Bring informed, aware and empowered looks good on everyone!

Abrazos! xox Penny

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Recipe for Love: Online Dating by the Numbers

For those 6 minutes and 35 seconds, especially minutes 2:00 through 4:00, OGT was spellbound, held deliciously captive by ABC'S Nightline.

The call came in about 10:55 p.m. our time. It was Shashi, "Did you see it?!! Did you see it?!! Oh, it was wonderful!" Christian had given the heads up earlier in the day that the piece would probably air last night and it an earlier time slot on the East Coast and in a delayed one here.

When Shashi called, I honestly expected to sit rapt in hopes of seeing a hand, a fleeting glimpse of Christian at work. The whole crew at OK Cupid is wonderful and so my cheers were ready. Although it is kinda weird writing about this, that is what blogs are for...little daily diaries of thoughts and discoveries, some very personal. While this is not a new discovery, I have heard my mom say it again and again, "Once a mom, always a mom" and I have to say, those 6 minutes and 35 seconds were just fabulous and filled with a special joy. Love you, sweetie! xoxoxoxox Momma

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