A couple of weeks ago, I asked for your input on ways you were saving energy this summer. My list is on a post called "Sea-ing What I Can Do" June 9, 2010, under "environmental impact" on the sidebar. I have one amendment to add to it; I am now using petroleum-free, toxin-free, made-in-the-USA skincare. I am always on the lookout for safer, better solutions.
1. cook more, eat out less
2. switch animal proteins to vegetable proteins (Yay!)
3. brown bag lunch to work
4. buy local first, state second, USA third, overseas if it's a necessity
5. drink water from tap
6. walk to work
7. ride bike to work
8. no a/c in car for errand hopping (Phew...I am with you there. It won't be cool soon enough!)
9. use public transportation
10. car pool
11. bundle errands
12. use "air dry" cycle in dishwasher
13. use cloth napkins
14. use cloth dish towels
15. multi-use for oven; bundle meal prep
16. careful choices with plastics
17. no Styrofoam
18. no "disposables" for picnics/outdoor unless eco-friendly
19. no petroleum-based detergents
20. use "air dry" cycle or clothesline for clothes
21 unplug appliances, tech stuff aren't using, especially phone and computer chargers
22. don't print or when do,print on both sides of paper
23. don't flush every time
24. use less hot water
25. compost
26. recycle
27. recycle pet's water to water household plants
28. BYOB to grocery store
29. buy more fresh, much less ready-to-eat, plastic packaged foods and deli foods
30. buy less, DIY more
31. grow it myself
32. vote with time, dollars and ballot
Thanks so much for doing and sharing! xoxoxo
And here is a breathtaking shot from a friend of the beauty Mother Earth had in store for Little Peconic Bay this morning...I hope my mom saw this. xoxoxo

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