Glowing, radiant health is the new black. Our Green Table is serving it up, for the whole body! Healthy recipes and tips, the latest on eco-friendly food and "skin food"products and a head's up on ingredient safety are all woven into family-centered stories and discoveries. Bring informed, aware and empowered looks good on everyone!

Abrazos! xox Penny

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stoutly on the Side of Fun

It started out innocently. I needed some stout for a recipe. I got to the store and quickly, my eye caught hold of this...

I love cooking, especially baking, with stout and well, chocolate gets me every time! So why not give chocolate-y stout a try? And, to cinch it, the girl on the bottle looked jubilant holding up her frothy brew which to me (not much of a stout drinker) looked rather like an ice cream float.

And that's how it started. Before I knew it, I was buying chocolate ice cream and dashing home to whip up this devilish concoction. To heck with what I was going to bake. I gotta try this. It's Halloween season...I am throwing caution to the wind.

Now, to keep this idea afloat and to take it from devilish to wicked, I need to have a piece of Mylo Coffee Company's decadent shortbread as a partner in crime. Can't wait to see them at tomorrow's farmers' market!

Oh my, such wicked weekend fun! If you dare, give this a try. What are you doing that's devilish or not this weekend?

(Note: For those who've never had stout, it's rather bitter and I think people either love it or don't. Let the ice cream melt down into the stout and stir it up quite well. Really different! I am completely out of my element with beer but I bet you can also just use a milder dark beer or ale. This float is like a combo after dinner drink/dessert. I am going to try out a ginger beer float for Thanksgiving!)

Chocolate Stout Floats

1 bottle stout or dark beer of choice (the variety of flavors is so fun, leading to endless frothy combinations!)
2 scoops of favorite chocolate ice cream or ice cream of choice. Coffee ice cream would also be great!
Something else chocolate-y...maybe syrup or chocolate to grate?

Toss scoops of ice cream in a tall chilled mug or glass and pour in stout, little by little. One bottle will makes several floats. Stir well to mix it up. Taste and add some extra chocolate if you have it. Toss in an orange peel garnish and your favorite goofy straw.

Cop a devil-may-care attitude and have a great weekend!

Such a hoot!

And, I finally did make that cake!

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