Glowing, radiant health is the new black. Our Green Table is serving it up, for the whole body! Healthy recipes and tips, the latest on eco-friendly food and "skin food"products and a head's up on ingredient safety are all woven into family-centered stories and discoveries. Bring informed, aware and empowered looks good on everyone!

Abrazos! xox Penny

Monday, March 12, 2012

Scrambling for Time

It's the weekend...already! At least, it was when I started this post. And now look. The weekend has come and gone. The last thing I needed was to lose an hour!!

This week has really flown by…caring for Mom, running errands (LOVE Shelter Island’s library…what a case study in community wonderfulness), watching my “messages” for new pictures of The Sweet Ones and of course, watching all the episodes of Downton Abbey.

The local farms look ready to spring to life. It is really exciting. I am not a “spring” person per se but I do love the smell of fresh tilled earth…you know, when it still smells cold and warm at the same time?  And, the first few valiant flowers. And, spring eggs.

My walks have changed and I am scrambling to get them in every day. The beach and water looks as lovely as ever…just cold!


Things are quiet. Exciting in their silence. That means the noise of new life is about ready to start up.

Spring foods are fun, fresh additions to the table…artichokes and asparagus are my faves. And it seemed fitting, as I am scrambling for time, to just scramble up some luscious fresh eggs and spring veggies for a simple spring meal.

That was my weekend...any ways that you scrambled for time?

Spring Scramble

Gently saute some fresh spring garlic and spring onions in unsalted butter or a combo of unsalted butter and extra virgin olive oil. Maybe add in some slices of new potaotes, too. Toss in some asparagus slices and saute for just a minute or two. Whisk eggs and add to pan. Allow two fresh eggs per person and then an extra yolk "for the pan". Makes really silky eggs!

Reduce heat to low and softly scramble. Just before eggs are set (I like mine "wet"), fold in tender leaves of spring spinach and some new peas and continue cooking until eggs are done the way you like them. Season with sea salt and fresh black pepper after cooking so the seasoning won't toughen up the eggs.To serve, garnish with fresh chives.

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