Glowing, radiant health is the new black. Our Green Table is serving it up, for the whole body! Healthy recipes and tips, the latest on eco-friendly food and "skin food"products and a head's up on ingredient safety are all woven into family-centered stories and discoveries. Bring informed, aware and empowered looks good on everyone!

Abrazos! xox Penny

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Opposites attract

What a crazy winter this has been…beautifully sunny and mild when it should be grey and bitter cold. I must admit I am sorry to have missed a “normal” winter. Even though I am in New York, it feels like home weather-wise. I dearly love winter in all its glory and find a peaceful, unique beauty in even the bleakest, greyest, most bitter cold days. Drat. Maybe before I leave…

As if Mother Nature hasn’t bemused me enough with her summer-like behavior, I have also made some “opposite” moves myself with equally surprising results. During winter I usually eat differently…more foods warmed by spice, lots of soups, more healthy fats and dense complex carbohydrates.

This winter I have eaten more lightly…lots of fresh vegetable (not fruit) juices and salads. I seem to crave them almost. Here is a picture of last night’s dinner…one of my favorites.

Kale Salad (one of 100's), Cabbage and Beet Salad and a slice of spelt bread

I am quite surprised that I have stayed so healthy (please don’t let this be a jinx!) in spite of all the extra stress and physical activity and yes, a de-lish sweet or two that I normally don’t eat. Not usually a bread eater, I have also eaten more bread than normal. Not a lot by anyone’s “normal”, but for me, two slices a day is a record high. I am grateful, for sure, but this “opposites attracting health” really has me thinking. I know all the walking has a lot to do with it and my body has tipped into a more alkaline state from the veggies I am drinking as well as veggies I am eating.. Anyway…it’s got me thinking!

Here are some more pix...

Anyway, while I am musing this over, here is a great article to read from yesterday's New York Times...really something to chew on,  great food for thought.

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