Glowing, radiant health is the new black. Our Green Table is serving it up, for the whole body! Healthy recipes and tips, the latest on eco-friendly food and "skin food"products and a head's up on ingredient safety are all woven into family-centered stories and discoveries. Bring informed, aware and empowered looks good on everyone!

Abrazos! xox Penny

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pimm and proper

There was a new study released last week that said that Thursday was the saddest day of the week. Not here on Our Green Table. Gather 'round.  It's Happy Hour on Thirsty Thursday!

As luck would have it, I had a few "clear" beverages left over from last week. What to do, what to do.

There in our stash of not-used-so-much bottles was a bottle of Pimm's #1. I remembered having a "Pimm's Cup" many years ago and found it very festive, fun and refreshing. Happy. Just the perfect drink for today. The Pimm's website is a jolly old hoot, too, ready for 5:00 any time of the day it seems, or as they call it "Pimm's O'Clock!". Click on this link, answer a few questions and the site welcomes you with a "Tally ho and IN we go!" Really... such a fun invite to leave your Thursday doldrums at the door!

And so, putting that info to good use, here is the recipe I like...Cheers!

Thirsty Thursday Pimm's

1 ½ ounces Pimm’s No. 14 ½ ounces Reed’s Original Ginger Brew or Ginger Ale
1 thin slice cucumber
1 thin slice lemon, plus more for squeezing
1 slice strawberry
A couple of mint leaves

Combine the Pimm’s and ginger beer/ale in a tall glass, or something similar.  I chose one with festive sailboats. Add ice until the liquid comes almost to the rim of the glass. Add the cucumber, lemon, and strawberry, plus a small squeeze of lemon juice, if you like. Use a straw to bash the fruit around a little bit. Add the mint, and serve immediately.
Yield: 1 serving

And, just in case you missed our "cheer" yesterday...we received news that our blog was approved by the national Meatless Monday campaign, a non-profit initiative of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health!! Happiness indeed!


  1. Just yesterday, friends and I gathered at the Capital Bar & Grill to have a Pimm's Cup--it must be the season. Very festive!

  2. Oh good...hope you enjoyed it. Yes, very festive and happy!
