I love it when fresh corn hits the market and lands up on my dinner plate. The sweet, crisp, juicy, butter-dribbles-down-my-chin taste of fresh corn means S-U-M-M-E-R to me. Where I used to spend my summers as a kid, we watched the fields like hawks to make sure that the corn was "knee high by the Fourth of July" and then eagerly waited for first ears to fill the farmers market. There was always a certain anxiety until we saw and tasted those first ears. Did we time our vacation days right? Will the corn be in? Please, let it be in!!!
I love fresh corn in any color: yellow, white and the "butter and sugar" combination and now, there is even a red kernel that is wonderful. One of my favorite memories of going shopping with my Dad in the summer was stopping by Harbes Farm Stand and having an ear or two of their famous roasted corn and a glass or two of their fresh squeezed lemonade. We would sit down at one of their picnic tables or walk around looking at all the other fruits and veggies. They all looked great, but corn was king in our book! I can still see and taste the delights we shared.
Here is a recipe for roasted corn that we make on the barbecue grill:
Roasted Corn
Allow 1-2 ears per person and extra sweet butter
Sea salt and fresh black pepper
Buy corn the same day you plan to serve it and ask the farmer or grocer when it came in. Some corn will still be sweet sitting a couple of days, but most will turn a little "starch-y" and will not have that delectable fresh-picked flavor.
Remove silks but not husks from each ear. Soak corn in cold water for about 20-30 minutes. When your grill is hot, remove corn from water and fold back husks. Place little bats of sweet butter directly on the ear of corn in 3 or 4 spots. Replace husks and wrap in foil. Place foil packet on grill and cover with grill cover. Smoke for about 20 minutes, rotating once or twice.
To eat, remove foil. The corn in its husk will be very hot!!! You may opt to remove the husk or peel it back and use it like a holder. Add extra butter, sea salt and pepper. Bite in...either "around the world" or "typewriter" style will do!
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